Dating can be a minefield, and when you're a queer woman, there can be even more challenges to navigate. From figuring out if someone is truly interested in you to deciphering their intentions, there are a myriad of potential red flags to watch out for. To help you navigate the dating world, we've spoken to 12 queer women who have shared their biggest dating red flags. Whether you're just starting out or have been in the dating game for a while, these insights are sure to help you spot potential issues early on and make better choices when it comes to your love life.

Looking for love? These 12 incredible women have some valuable insights to share. From ghosting to lack of communication, they've seen it all. So if you're navigating the dating world and want to avoid those red flags, take a page from their book. Learn from their experiences and make sure you're not falling for the wrong person. And who knows, you might just find your perfect match on this dating site.

Lack of communication

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One of the most common red flags mentioned by our contributors was a lack of communication. Whether it's someone who takes forever to reply to your messages or someone who avoids talking about their feelings, a lack of communication can be a major warning sign. As one of our contributors put it, "If someone can't communicate effectively, it's a big red flag for me. I need to be with someone who can express themselves and listen to me."

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Inconsistency is another red flag that our contributors mentioned. Whether it's someone who says one thing and does another or someone who is hot and cold in their behavior, inconsistency can be a major source of frustration in a relationship. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who would be really attentive one day and then distant the next. It was exhausting trying to figure out where I stood with them, and I eventually realized that their inconsistency was a huge red flag."

Lack of respect

Respect is crucial in any relationship, and several of our contributors mentioned it as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who belittles your opinions or someone who doesn't respect your boundaries, a lack of respect can be a major warning sign. As one contributor put it, "I once dated someone who would constantly dismiss my feelings and opinions. It made me feel like my voice didn't matter, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who didn't respect me."

Refusal to commit

For many of our contributors, a refusal to commit was a major red flag. Whether it's someone who is always keeping their options open or someone who is hesitant to define the relationship, a refusal to commit can be a major source of frustration. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who was always vague about our future together. It made me feel like I was just an option to them, and I knew that I deserved someone who was willing to commit to me."


Gaslighting is a form of emotional manipulation that can be extremely damaging in a relationship. Several of our contributors mentioned it as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who denies your reality or someone who makes you feel like you're going crazy, gaslighting can be a major warning sign. As one contributor put it, "I once dated someone who would constantly twist things around and make me feel like I was overreacting. It took me a while to realize that they were gaslighting me, and it was a major red flag."

Lack of empathy

Empathy is crucial in any relationship, and several of our contributors mentioned it as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who is dismissive of your feelings or someone who is unable to see things from your perspective, a lack of empathy can be a major warning sign. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who would always brush off my feelings and never try to understand where I was coming from. It made me feel like they didn't really care about me, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who lacked empathy."

Self-centered behavior

Self-centered behavior was another red flag that our contributors mentioned. Whether it's someone who always puts their needs first or someone who is only interested in talking about themselves, self-centered behavior can be a major source of frustration in a relationship. As one contributor put it, "I once dated someone who would always steer the conversation back to themselves and never ask me about my day. It made me feel like they were only interested in themselves, and I knew that I deserved someone who was more considerate."

Jealousy and possessiveness

Jealousy and possessiveness can be major red flags in a relationship, and several of our contributors mentioned them as such. Whether it's someone who is constantly checking up on you or someone who tries to control who you spend time with, jealousy and possessiveness can be major warning signs. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who would get jealous whenever I spent time with my friends. It made me feel like they didn't trust me, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who was so possessive."

Unwillingness to compromise

Compromise is crucial in any relationship, and several of our contributors mentioned an unwillingness to compromise as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who always wants things their way or someone who is unwilling to meet you halfway, a lack of compromise can be a major source of tension. As one contributor put it, "I once dated someone who was unwilling to compromise on anything. It made me feel like my needs didn't matter, and I knew that I deserved someone who was more willing to work together."

Unwillingness to grow

For many of our contributors, an unwillingness to grow was a major red flag. Whether it's someone who is stuck in their ways or someone who is unwilling to work on themselves, a lack of growth can be a major warning sign. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who was unwilling to work on their issues and make positive changes in their life. It made me feel like they were holding themselves and our relationship back, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who wasn't willing to grow."

Manipulative behavior

Manipulative behavior was another red flag that our contributors mentioned. Whether it's someone who tries to guilt trip you or someone who tries to control your actions, manipulative behavior can be a major source of toxicity in a relationship. As one contributor put it, "I once dated someone who would always try to manipulate me into doing things their way. It made me feel like I was constantly walking on eggshells, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who was so manipulative."

Disrespect for boundaries

Respect for boundaries is crucial in any relationship, and several of our contributors mentioned a lack of respect for boundaries as a major red flag. Whether it's someone who is pushy about physical intimacy or someone who doesn't respect your need for space, a lack of respect for boundaries can be a major warning sign. As one contributor shared, "I once dated someone who would always push my boundaries when it came to physical intimacy. It made me feel like they didn't respect my comfort level, and I knew that I couldn't be with someone who was so disrespectful."

In conclusion, navigating the dating world as a queer woman can be challenging, but being aware of potential red flags can help you make better choices when it comes to your love life. Whether it's a lack of communication, inconsistency, or a lack of respect, being able to spot warning signs early on can save you a lot of heartache in the long run. By listening to the experiences and insights of other queer women, you can equip yourself with the knowledge and awareness to spot potential issues and make more informed decisions when it comes to your relationships.